Sunday, January 18, 2009


Friday night was brew day number 2!

Glen came over again and we bottled the Sleep Over Ale, and started on a batch of something that is supposed to end up like a Boddington's Draught. Recipe here in case y'all want to know. Used some speciality grain which needed steeping and 6 lb of a Maris Otter malted barely extract. The MO is supposed to be good for English style ales. Pitched a tube of liquid ale yeast which took 36 hours to get started. I was starting to get worried they weren't going to grow...

Original gravity on this one was 1041, which was a touch lower than I had hoped for, but certainly still in range. Seems very dark right now - hopefully it will end up a nice golden colour. Got high hopes for this one! Also can't wait to taste the one we just bottled. Don't know if I'll be able to wait 3 weeks!

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