Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Birthday, Isabelle!
Finally, the long awaited day arrived! Never before in the history of the world has one girl so eargerly awaited their birthday! Now, finally, the day has came and gone. The torn shreds of wrapping paper are settling like ticker tape after a parade, and Isabelle is well and truly seven years old!
Since her birthday was on a Friday, she had to go to school. I (and Lexie) showed up at about noon with cup cakes. We had lunch with the class, read a story, and I hung around helping Ms. Graham with a few little chores until school let out.
Afterwards, cousin Katie came over for a sleepover. They even went to sleep at some point.
Saturday was the day of her party at Wishes! where they got to dress up as rock stars, sing karoke and have great time.
Afterwards, a bunch of the girts ended up at our house playing for a few more hours.
Overall, it was a fun few days. And Isabelle turned 7!
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