OK - it has been too long. So much has been happening, I don't know where to start (which is why I need to do this more often!).
Lets see, where to start?
Callum has been doing pretty good at school. He made Principal's List for the first six weeks! That means all subject grades above 93%, and no N (Needs Improvement) or U (Unsatisfactory). Conduct is where he has a little bit of trouble. Apparently, his teacher gave
him an S (satisfactory) minus as she was being kind. He isn't bad - he just talks! We are working with him on this, having the teacher sign a book every day to let us know how he is doing. He is not going to get an E (Exceptional) this next report period (which ends in a week or two), but if he keeps it up, he might get an S...
Belle is still loving her school. I don't know if the boyfriend is still on - we don't hear so much about him anymore. But she does practice weddings... maybe just because Sarah is about to get married?
Lexie is growing so fast! She is 21 months now, going on 7 years. She races around after Callum - she just adores him! Belle she is not so sure of, but then Belle is not quite as good at sharing.
Since I mentioned Halloween, lets see if Grandma Mary recognizes the clown suit Callum is wearing as part of his "Jack In the Box"! I should say that we are Halloweened out already, and the main event is two days away. We did Zoo Boo last night at the Zoo, and a party in our old neighbourhood today. At least we get use out of the costumes...
Belle and Lexie were two beautiful Princesses!
Oh yeah - and check out the new link on the left there, to The Lockett Center!
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