Monday, April 10, 2006

Bike Riding


It is in a 3gp format, which opened on my PC in real player after it automatically downloaded an update. We'll see... Remember, this if from my phone, so it is very small and low quality. But who was it who said "the best camera is the one you have with you"?

Callum did come a cropper on Saturday (this video was from Friday). He hit some pea gravel around a climing frame and went flying. Got a nasty scrape and bruise on his elbow. He got back on and rode home and was OK again by Sunday. He'll live. But - elbow pads next time!


Richard said...

Even on Sunday (when he fell off) he was significantly better than in this clip. He was probably getting a bit over-confident though! This clip was his first real ride without the training wheels. Not sure how good other kids do, but for Callum just getting the courage to do it and stick with it (even after falling off) is big news! He is usually quite cautious.

Richard said...

I remember hitting my er... crotch... on the cross bar of my bike my first time. And coming over the handle bars going to the playing field and having to go to Mr Winter's house for help.