I'm obviously as good at blogging as I am at telephoning and emailing. i.e. not very. So, sorry. I'll try to do better.
Anyway - a few updates from the last couple of weeks. The main thing for Callum was taking his test for the
Optional Program at
Grahamwood Elementary. He came out saying it was easy (of course)! Theo took it at the same time. I'm sure they will both get in! He and Isabelle have been on Spring Break this week, and so are getting a wee bit of cabin fever. Grandma has been asking for a better picture of Callum to be posted, so here you go! This was taken at the zoo a week or two ago.
Isabelle has had strep throat, but seems over it now. She hardly slowed down, even when she was burning up with fever. She moves so fast, she is a blur. She does have a few problems with gravity, but nothing she can't handle.
Lexie is doing great. She loves to climb, and is into
everything. But she is s

o sweet and good natured. She had another double ear infection, but the doctors aren't talking tubes anymore. Hopefully, the cold season is over, and everyone can be well for a while.
Pennie has been working hard on her rap. Yes - you heard right - Pennie has been producing a rap with her sickle cell teen group. It really sounds good! Thats a picture of George. He wrote the rap based on what the other kids had said about their disease. They did it for Pennie's upcoming National Conference, which is being held here in Memphis, but don't be surprised to see it on MTV or Top of the Pops soon. The video is in production. Seriously. I'll try and upload some of the rap later.
As for me - I am still waiting to hear about my grant. We think that we are going to get funded, but the US Congress has not set the budget for the NIH yet (it was due last October). I think they have been in meetings this week, so hopefully once the budget is set, they will be able to let us know how much we will get (if any...).
OK - that will do for now. I'd better post this before anything else distracts me. More soon (he he).